Iligan City is know as the City of Waterfalls and Tinago is one of them. I think Tinago is derived from the name Nakatago which means hidden in English because it's location was really hidden from the public. To get to the site will be by foot on steep stairs which they said counts as 365 steps but others will say they are almost 400 or more than 400. Whatever, I did not count it today because I feel i had a hard time. I kept resting inbetween 5 steps on steep angles, and 10 steps on not so steep angles.
- the steep stairs. cool to go down but too tiring when going up -
- the falls -
- the bridge that will take you to where the raft is. but pay 10 pesos first. -
- the raft that can take u to where the water "falls".-
- another take of the falls from a higher ground -
- i think she's beautiful. -
I just wanna share here some pictures of the falls: