It looks like they are dates but they are not because they are not edible.
I call them RED DATES. :)
The tree still looks like from the family of COCONUT trees.
More reds here.
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How interesting looking. Like dates, but not quite. I wonder what they are.
Thanks for sharing.
Me too, i wonder what they are. :)
Thanks for visiting back. :)
Your red dates are very pretty.
are they poisonous or just taste nasty? Thanks for sharing.
They do look plump and inviting to eat! Good that you know that they aren't edible:)
It's an ornamental palm tree...we had lots of those at home (by home I mean the Philippines) :)
Looks like yummy berries but probably poisonous. :P
i posted this same red fruit for RT a few weeks ago. i saw it in corregidor.:D
@ Ivon -- i can't taste them. I think they are poisonous.
Marie Reed -- yeah because people said so that they can't be eaten. :)
@Kitchenmaus --- i think you are right.
@Ect -- you are right! Thanks for visiting back!
@ Luna -- hmm maybe i haven't visited that. I took this photo just down the road from our gate. :)
Hi Arlene,
Love the point of view of this photo and the moody, fog-like feel of the background.
Now, about that pub - It's actually a Day Spa. :-)
Those are very interesting looking. I've never seen "red dates"
Happy ruby to you!
Very interesting looking indeed! I like the angle you took the photo from, awesome shot. :)
Whatever they are they look delicious.
it's not edible? looks like a great fruit to eat...c",)
Thanks for dropping by in my site few weeks ago, this is the only time I was able to visit your blog. I do appreciate your time.
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