@Lindy, in the early 80s, a group on a wooden boat were passing the area and they were tossed by big waves into the rocks. 2 were deadwhile the others were able to hang on for life on the big rocks.
I love to blog and take photos the moments that i encounter everyday. If not everyday at least there are some days.
The photos shared here are mine or otherwise i mentioned to whom credit is due. Most photos are not watermarked but are not up for stealing. If you like to use them and fail to contact me, a simple link back to this blog will truly be appreicated.
Thank you for dropping by.
Hahaha, good advice, please head it, di ba?
Mine will be up in a few hours at www.ewok1993.wordpress.com
I'd like to see how big the waves are, heheh...thanks for joining arl.
Things are really bad when it needs a large sign to warn of obvious danger like this! Great photo!
Not to worry! I definitely will not be swimming in any big waves. I failed my surfing lesson :D
@PC - yeah..that's a great warning sign. :)
Thanks for the visit!
@Pacey -- cg will add a shot of the pang pang after this. :)
Thanks for the visit.
Thanks, Gemma!
Good sign but I do not see the big waves yet, so I can jump into the water and go swimming!
Very beautiful scenery.
You know if they post the sign, someone at some point has done it or thought about doing it!
I can just imagine some idiot trying to swim there in big waves ::rolling eyes::
better obey than regret later.
Yikes! Those are some impressive rocks! Pretty place, though!
@Lindy, in the early 80s, a group on a wooden boat were passing the area and they were tossed by big waves into the rocks. 2 were deadwhile the others were able to hang on for life on the big rocks.
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