A charging area in a boat - Super Ferry 12.

Linked to Signs, Signs hosted by Lesley
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Welcome to our Signs2 photo fraternity.
If I left my cellphone unattended, it would be forgotten long before it was stolen!
Nice to have you onboard, Arlene.
so glad you are playing with us.
I've only ever seen this cell phone charging service in Asia... so useful when you forget or are unable to charge! Welcome to the Signs meme!
Good idea to have a place for phone charging! (I assume that's what it is!)
That one sign with the coin icon is pretty! Not leaving your cell phone unattended - anywhere - seems like a real no-brainer!
Welcome to one of the coolest memes and definitely one of the ones that always puts a smile on your face. Like your first post. Keep on coming back.
Great entries on this meme.
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